Monday, August 22, 2011

Ancient SEO techniques that Should Not Do

Some people still use old school SEO technique (antiquity) in today's era. In case this is submit their site to search engines.

It's actually a legitimate SEO technique is used, but it would be nice if you left it. Let's use the following simple logic.

Just imagine, when you submit your links to several search engines, it means you are willing to ask search engines to add your website in its database. At the same time, most people who use this old school SEO technique can not wait for its web indexed, we conducted a backlink.
Surely you are not as well as emerging web (indexed) for granted once you register, there is a grace period should you wait to make sure your web really indexed.

This is where the awkwardness began there, when search engine robots will incorporate your website into the database, they suspect, why the newly created website has links everywhere, as a result of previous actions at the time the plant backlinks search engine robots do not recognize the website .

Search engines assume your website is cheating, they might deem it SPAM and will certainly undervalued in their eyes.
As a result of that process is that it can be the index take longer or it could be your website they will be quarantined for some time so (shandbox) or other things that are bad for your web.
So the best solution seo tips times this is done naturally, IE not registering your website to search engines but simply by planting a link to another website that too should not be taken too far to avoid shandbox.

With this search engine will be "embarrassed" that the database itself felt none the less, the absence of your web. And your own web has been popular among the other web, through backlinks you planted naturally.
Seeing your website has been popular, they soon quickly put your website in its database to later be taken into account whatever deserves the best position of a keyword in the search results. At this stage also depends on the optimization techniques that you do in the future.
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