Saturday, August 20, 2011

Google Adwords To Boost The Seo

The most important use of adwords for the purpose of SEO is for keyword research. Keywords are the most important thing in SEO campaign. Even though you are an expert in your own niche, it is advisable to make some research for the keywords simply because the users might search with some unexpected keywords and key phrases you might never think. The most important thing is to target the keyword that most targeted audience search for.

So in order to find what the users search for, you all need a keyword research tool. Though there are many tools Google adwords keyword tool is the best one. It is very simple to use Google adwords for keyword research. You have to either enter the URL of the site or put some keywords the tool will generate a whole list of suggested keywords. All you have to do is to have a look at the list and select the most relevant one to the site to have a decent global search volume.

In general everyone wants to rank for all the keywords that have been generated. But it is best to focus on the keywords that are easy to optimize and have a decent global search. These keywords will have less competition in the Google search engine.

After selecting the keywords you have to check that these keywords really work for your website. No matter how accurate you have been in picking the keywords if you don’t test them in practice then you will not know that the keyword is working well or not.

In addition to research keyword Google adwords is also a useful tool for getting a better click through rate with the present rankings. For a given keyword you might rank well and get the targeted traffic but still you will not be able to monetize the traffic of the site this is because your click through rate is very low. There are various reasons for this but the possible reason might be insufficient title and descriptions.

So through Google adwords you can improve you CRT with the existing ranking. For example you are satisfied with the conversion rate of your site with successful Google adwords then you can keep on changing the ad title and description until you are stratified that you have reached the maximum CTR for the keywords.

It will take a couple of trials to find the correct winning combination of title and description. During this process you might even lower your click through rate but once you have find the right combination of title and description just copy them for the page to improve the organic search as well as CTR.

Adwords is a very useful tool for advertisers. But now it is very useful for all. It was started as a tool for the advertisers but now it is not restricted to the advertisers alone. Now for many SEO experts and publishers is a very important tool because moderate adwords campaign saves their time and money taken to optimize the keywords.

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