Sunday, August 21, 2011

How To Perform Drupal Seo

If you are planning to start online business to improve your business the first and foremost step to make it successful is getting maximum traffic to your website. The common way to drive traffic to a website is through organic search engine rankings from an effective Search Engine Optimization.

Today, Drupal CMS is being used by many high-traffic websites which is known for building online communities. It is a free modular content management system, content management framework and blog engine. Drupal is one of the best tools to develop a dynamic website. To perform SEO for the Drupal website is easier as in Drupal there are readily available SEO modules.

Drupal is well-known for its friendliness with search engines as its markup is clean and standards-compliant. Unlike other Content Management System, it creates all tags which a search engine looks for and also creates search engine friendly URLs.

Below are few tips and guidelines which will help to perform SEO activities more effectively to optimize your Drupal website for most of the search engines.

1] Activate Drupal’s Clean URLs feature: The default URLs of Drupal is not optimal for search engines. The system has a naïve feature called Clean URLs which we find in administrator > settings> General settings. This functionality relies upon the web server to perform URL re-writing on inbound requests and when enabled, it will create internal URLs using this.

2] Pathauto Module: This module is highly recommended for new websites of Drupal. It makes nice and customized URLs which are based on various things like title, taxonomy and username. For making Pathauto work, you have to first enable the path module. To get exact URL which you want needs a good experience as URLs are basically controlled by a combination of taxonomy and Pathauto. Even path module can be used to create URLs but that becomes very tiresome and inconsistent for large websites. Pathauto will generate nice URLs without doing more configurations.

3] Nodewords Module: By doing configuration in Drupal Nodewords module you can output the Meta description and Meta keywords on every page. The Meta description which is a summarization of one or two sentences for the page should be different on every webpage of the website. Mostly when search engine lists your website in their result pages, it uses your web page’s HTML title for the title, and your Meta description for the text snippet and that’s the reason why Meta description should be written with keeping human visitor’s in mind.

4] Gsitemap Module: This module will create a Google XML sitemap automatically and will tell all major search engines like Google, yahoo, etc about the latest updates. Sitemaps give signals to search engine crawlers that on which web pages they should be indexed.

Other than this there are also more modules which benefits to improve SEO results in one way or other like Global redirect module which redirects nodes to prevent duplicate contents, Google Analytics which will help tracking your page visits, page views and traffics, Boost module which helps to create good reputation and others.

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