Monday, August 22, 2011

Tips to Get High Salary

Hi buddy, I am sure all the buddies who would want a higher salary when working in an office or company .. Well the following tips so that salaries can be high all
1. "Willing umbrella before it rains". Document all your skills and achievements neatly. When the time comes, you just explain what price you offer.

2. Prepare a good time to negotiate There's advice, do not talk about salary until they open the bids. In negotiating tactics, avoid opening the first cards.

3 Do not ask for promotions .. One fatal mistake is to ask candidates questions about the promotion. The company would like to know if the job seeker is interested in the vacancies on offer. If you too want to know about a promotion, you could be mistaken for simply pursuing the position. To renegotiate a salary, the following tips you can practice.

4. EARLY PREPARATION Prepare yourself to renegotiate wage bargaining is different from the first salary. When renegotiate, you'll talk to people who already know exactly your performance.

5. SUPPORT Before you ask for a raise, you must know the salary range for the position you are sitting now and company policies about raises. Ask this to the HR. # PROVE ABILITY salary increase is a long process, could be a year or more. So, prepare yourself to ask for a raise since the first day you start work.

6. DO NOT LET OPPORTUNITY LOST FUTILE One of the mistakes that often do employees are not prepared well before negotiations, or choose a bad time to convey his desires. So do not ignore these two things.

7. PRAY. This is the most important. Do not forget to pray before doing all the activities .. By praying, we will be given the strength and ingenuity of it ..
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