Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Always Shake the presentation Steve Jobs

Not only intelligent visionary who created revolutionary products, Apple founder Steve Jobs also known as an accomplished communicator and presenter. The way he delivered a speech and presentation materials are always thrilling and often serve as a model for many people.
Steve Jobs knows exactly what products are described as if such person who gave it birth.

"Every view presentations he like watching a movie, from beginning to end disconnected and his story can be and from open to close with words that can not be forgotten," said Sumartok, founder Presentonomics, when contacted, Thursday (6 / 10/2011). Presentonomics is a startup in Indonesia that help people improve the quality of the presentation in public.

Sumartok say, Steve Jobs seems well prepared what will be delivered and fully master the material. For example, each time explaining the latest Apple products. Steve Jobs knows exactly what products are described as if such person who gave it birth. He knows what to say to the audience so that something that complex into easy to digest.

"Passion of the product he is really the total, not only a genius but he's also a true communicator," said Sumartok. Because, whatever Steve Jobs said at the end of the presentation, everyone in attendance as drugged and wanted to soon have a new product tell.

Not only that, the speech Steve Jobs also always full of meaning. One of his speeches that shook many people is when Steve Jobs appear at Stanford University, USA in 2005. In his speech, Steve Jobs should convey how the philosophy of human life. "He said live as if tomorrow is the day of death, so that this day should do their best. It's one of the teachings that really impressed me," said Sumartok.

In addition, according Sumartok, Steve Jobs had a passion to change the world by making IT products instead of items that fierce but friendly with everyone. Philosophy is said to John Sculley, former CEO of Pepsi that Apple hired in 1983. When recruited Sculley, Jobs said, "What just sell sugary drinks if you can do something to change the world."

"So, Jobs gave a message that the work should think about what value for the people around, the environment, and the world," said Sumartok. He believes many people who inspired Steve Jobs, someone with a strong passion, and perfectionist. One of the memorable motto of Steve Jobs is, "Stay hungry, Stay Foolish!" Never stop learning and growing continues to increase knowledge as though always short. Steve Jobs may have gone, but the legacy of his spirit still burning.
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