Friday, November 4, 2011

7 Safe Food Additives

Food additives (BTP) is actually a part of food raw materials, but added to food to affect the nature or form of food. Which includes among other dyes, preservatives, flavors, ingredients antigumpal, pemucat materials and thickeners.

Here is a safe food additive according to SK Menkes no.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88:

1. Food preservatives - Acid benzoate as much as 1 g per 1 kg of dough. - Sodium benzoate as much as 1 g per 1 kg of dough. - Acid Propionate as much as 3 g per 1 kg of dough (for bread). - Sulfur dioxide emissions of 500 mg per 1 kg of dough.

2. Food dye - dye Ponceau 4 R for chilli sauce with a dose of 300 mg per 1 kg of food or 70 mg per 1 kg of beverages. - Allura Red / Allura red with a dose of 70 mg per 1 kg of food or 300 mg per 1 kg of dough.

-Erytrosine with a dose of 300 mg per 1 kg body weight per day. - Yellow FCF. - Sunset Yellow.

3. Sweeteners - Saccharin at a dose of 2.5 mg per 1 kg body weight per day. - Sodium cyclamate at a dose of 11 mg per 1 kg body weight per day. - Aspartame with a dose of 40 mg per 1 kg body weight per day. - Sorbitol (used for diabetics and people who need low calorie).

4. Flavor and aroma - MSG (mono sodium glutamate) micin / MSG at a dose of 120 mg per kg body weight per day.

5. Bleach and flour bund - Ascorbic acid / ascorbic acid / vitamin C dose of 200 mg per kg body weight per day. - Acetone perioksida taste.

6. Thickener - Pectin dose of 10 g per kg (there are two kinds of apple pectin and citrus pectin). - Gelatin dose of 5 mg per kg. - The CMC / Carboxy Methyl Cellulose.

7. Antioxidants - Acid ascorbat / Ascorbic acid / vitamin C dose of 500 mg per kg for meat products. - BHT dose of 200 mg per kg as antitengik for cooking oil. - Antitengik TBHQ doses for cooking oil.
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