Sunday, November 13, 2011

Asus Transformer Prime, Tablet Quad-core First in the World

Taiwanese vendors, Asus will soon release a tablet that will be the successor of the previous tablet products (Eee Pad Transfomer) is quite successful in the market. The new tablet is the Eee Pad Transfomer Prime, which is very reliable Asus to compete with Android tablets and of course the iPad.

Asus equips Transfomer Prime with a very special offal, namely Nvidia's latest mobile processor, Tegra 3. This makes Transfomer Prime became the first tablet that uses a processor with four cores (quad-core). With quad-core processor, the graphics performance Transfomer Prime will increase three-fold, compared to tablets using Tegra 2, and battery life even better, can save power up to 61 percent.

Prime Transformer is a tablet with 10-inch screen that can be used nonstop for 12 hours, thanks to the management of highly efficient power consumption of the Tegra 3.

According to the plan, Asus will release this tablet to the market late in 2011 by using the Android 3.2 Honeycomb. However, according to Asus, the update to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwiches will be available soon, in early December, is an indication of the tablet's release schedule.

The following hardware specs Asus Eee Pad Transfomer Prime:

     Screen: 10.1 with Super IPS LED Backlit (1280x800), Gorilla Glass
     CPU: Nvidia Tegra 3 quad-core
     Memory: 1 GB
     Capacity: 32GB/64GB
     Wireless: 802.11 b / g / n, Bluetooth 2.1
     Camera: 1.2 MP (front), 8MP (rear), large F2, 4 aperture
     Interface: microHDMI port, MicroSD card reader
     Battery: 25Wh
     Weight: 586 grams
     Size: 263x180, 8x8, 3 mm
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