Sunday, November 13, 2011

China Bans Media Retrieve Information from the Internet

The Chinese government issued a new policy to restrict the local media to take information from the internet. Authority General Administration of Press and Publication as the party who issued the policy to explain this to prevent false information is increasingly widespread.

"False information that can aggravate lively image of the government. In addition, this also for the credibility of the media itself," said a statement of the General Administration of Press and Publication (GAPP) said Computerworld.

With the new policy, the local media are prohibited from taking information from the Internet or from a mobile phone that has not been verified. If any information is sourced from the phone, e-mail, blogs or social networks like Twitter, the information should be verified by the reporter or editor.

At present, China still allow access to the site Sina Weiba, social media like Twitter is now a place of public expression. The site currently has 250 million users.

The Chinese government took measures to restrict the growth of social networking sites because it flew in the last two years. If left untreated, interfere with the government feared misleading information. Previously, Chinese security forces have also been arrested for spreading rumors internet users specified on the website.
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