Friday, November 4, 2011

Death duet Healthy Foods

In order for all the body needs adequate nutrients, nutritionists recommend we eat a variety of healthy foods that keep changing every day. Here's a great idea alloys:

1. Fish and broccoli

Paired fish and nutritious broccoli fights cancer 13 times more powerful than simply eaten on their own. So said a nutritionist from the British. Sulfophrane in broccoli and selenium from fish helps block the formation and spread of cancer cells.

2. Bananas and yogurt

Substance probiotics in yogurt healthy digestion and reduces bad cholesterol. While bananas are the source of prebiotic substances that feed probiotic bacteria. Both work together healthful digestion.

3. Black pepper and turmeric

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory content. Combined with black pepper, turmeric prevents the ability of the inflammation becomes more severe.

4. Spinach and red pepper

Vegetables such as spinach contain iron absorbed by the body is less than 10 percent. In order for optimal absorption, add sources of vitamin C such as red pepper.

5. Apples and grapes

Additional some purple grapes on apple slices beneficial to reduce the risk of heart attack. That's because apples and grapes are equally rich in flavonoids. Substance called quercetin in apples work in synergy with ketekin in the wine to prevent clogged arteries.

6. Tomato and avocado

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants called beta-carotene and lycopene. Tomatoes are a source of fat-soluble vitamins, so it needs to blend a healthy source of fat substances. Avocado or olive oil is a nice mixture for tomatoes. (GHS / diy)
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