Unique date 11/11/11 which only happens once in 100 years is not only attractive to those who are married but also the prospective mother to give birth. Quite a few doctors who helped Obgin Caesarean at the request of the patient at the date of the "pretty" it.
Caesarean surgery, according to dr.Prima Progestian, Sp.OG, initially only performed by medical indications. "This action is done if a problem occurs both in the mother, fetus, or placenta, which causes the delivery by surgery is the best way," he said in an e-mail.
Caesar with medical indications, among others, when the mother should not push because of suffering from hypertension, uterine cramps, premature rupture of membranes, or maternal pelvic ring size does not fit the size of the baby's head circumference. Caesar also be done because of the difficulty infants, such as weight babies over 4 pounds, the baby is abnormal, umbilical cord disorders, and premature births.
But in its development not a few patients who require surgery seksio Caesarea (SC) is the absence of medical indications, including for imposing want to adjust a date that is unique even though not yet the time the baby is born.
According to Prima, obstetrics and gynecology physicians who are members of ACOG (The American College of Obstetricians and gynecologist) in 2006 has been agreed that Caesar surgery on a patient's request may be made as long as your doctor has given clear information about risks that may arise from this action .
"The risks that must be explained starting from the death, complications of anesthesia, infection, adhesions, SC operation repeated until the likelihood in the future," said a doctor from the UB Women and Children Hospital, Jakarta.
In Indonesia alone, according to the Association Obsetri and Gynecology Indonesia (POGI), it was agreed that the SC acts at the request of the patient is not a violation of code of ethics for any consent letter of medical action. "The doctor in charge must also describe the actions to be performed and the risks," he explained.
According to Prima, POGI code is based on the law on medical practice that shows the right patient at the option of treatment in itself, the right to obtain medical explanation for the action and the right to refuse medical treatment on him. "In this case vaginal delivery or refuse to do normally," he said.
Although patients may be performed upon request, but insisted that labor Prima SC gestation should be done in just months (38 weeks, while ACOG recommends the age of 39 weeks).
Important note also that gave birth via cesarean section have a greater risk of complications than normal childbirth. In Caesarean deliveries, the mother may have an infection, bladder injury, until the bleeding. Uterine bleeding that occurs without any sign of pain from a tear that does not seem to harm the baby in subsequent pregnancies.
According to the prime, other than by cesarean, delivery by a certain date can also be done by induction so that the baby can be born normally.
Regardless of the myths about the date of this unique and historic, the parents should also realize that babies are born on any date is good and worthwhile. Babies do not need a unique date of birth to prove that they are special.
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