Friday, November 4, 2011

Exactly How to Wash Fruits and Vegetables

The movement to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables for a healthier body echo louder now. If you intend to make it part of a healthy lifestyle, start by knowing how to wash vegetables and fruits.

There are many ways to wash fruit and vegetables, such as washing them in the container, under running water, use vinegar or lemon, or even taking a special soap that is now widely available on the market.

According to the analysis of the various methods of washing fruits and vegetables, soak it in cold boiled water gave results no different from taking a special soap. In fact, if coupled with a brush, dirt and pesticides more easily removed.

Also use separate containers for washing fruits and vegetables. Avoid washing food directly into the sink. Research shows the sink contains more germs than most bathrooms.

Once washed, make sure you use a special cutting board to cut fruits and vegetables with different cutting board for cutting meat. This can reduce the risk of bacterial contamination.
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