Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

Pumpkin images from Hungarian blog, Dekorella.

In some parts of France, we hear there’s a bit of trick-or-treating today. But in our small town, we were told it’s a no go. So instead, we’re having our own little Halloween celebration at Chez Blair. We’re pretty darn happy about it! Here’s what’s on the schedule:

- Carving jack-o-lanterns. Sometimes, I dread the mess and crave a refined, non-carved pumpkin like this and this. But today, I’m going to embrace the guts!

- A costume challenge: Each child will receive 2 large pieces of heavy paper and they need to create a costume out of it. They can use supplies we have in the art room, and grown-up assistance if needed. They are soooo excited for this.

- Baking our favorite old-fashioned pumpkin cookies.

- Watching Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin.

- Making a cozy dinner of Award Winning Chili, cornbread and apple cider. (Wish us luck finding the right ingredients!)

- If time allows, a bonus activity involving an installation of tea-lights.

Have a Happy Halloween! I hope yours is filled with school parades, fantastic costumes, trick-or-treating, and secretly raiding the candy bowl. Please eat an extra peanut-butter cup for me!


P.S. — We arrived home from Barcelona last night. I can’t wait to report on our adventures later this week.

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