Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kyobo, the Mirasol First Android Device

Mirasol display technology, which is inspired by butterfly wings, already used in consumer products. Kyobo eReader is the first device so the screen.

Kyobo eReader are digital gadgets that were presented book bookstore Kyobo Book Center in South Korea. These devices use the base operating system Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) with a special display.

Devices sold in the range of 310 dollars is targeted at users in the education community, such as college students. Colored e-paper screen is believed it will feel comfortable to read textbooks, because just by reading the paper.

Screen used in the eReader Kyobo measuring 5.7 inches with a resolution of 1024x768. He also uses LED lights for illumination during the dark.

Although the color, the brightness of the resulting color Mirasol display at Kyobo would not be worth the display iPad or other Android tablets.

A device with a 1GHz Snapdragon processor will be supported 9000's collection of titles from Kyobo. In addition there are educational video content, integration into social networking and entertainment content.

Perhaps the most compelling of these devices are battery-efficient. Thanks to e-paper screen, the Kyobo supposedly can be used by more than three weeks.
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