Sunday, November 13, 2011

Live Walkman, Sony Ericsson Mobile phones Music Deals

Mobile phones 'Live with The Walkman' music be the last Sony Ericsson phone. Next year, Sony has "divorced" with Ericsson will focus on the upscale smart phone.

Product Manager of Sony Ericsson Indonesia, Rachmat Akbar stated this phone would target young people who prefer mobility without forgetting the music and entertainment features in a grip.

"Despite being a last generation mobile phones from Sony Ericsson's Walkman, mobile phone is expected to give impression for young children," said Rachmat after a press conference at the office of the Sony Ericsson Jakarta, Wednesday (09/11/2011).

Mobile phones 'Live Walkman' is still present special access Sony Ericsson's unique music. Candy bar design with a touch screen, users can enable instant access through a Walkman button on the side of the phone.

Design of mobile phones 'Live Walkman' is similar to the Blackberry Torch which has a notch above and below, just over a mini size. Size is only 106 x 56.5 x 14.2 mm and weighs 115 grams is too light to carry. Color options there are only two types, black and white.

The screen is 3.2 inches which was adopted was responsive to the touch. But here has not been able to feature accelerometer, just a short message or a music feature that allows it can be done horizontally or vertically.

Excellent feature is the integration with Facebook contacts. Especially in this phone is there a special access up to ease the album to update the calendar. In addition, Infinite function also allows consumers to access new content on your favorite artists such as music videos, artist information and lyrics search.

"The difference is xLOUD features that can enhance the radio output from the speakers built in a high level," said Rachmat Akbar.

This phone is equipped Android 2.3 Gingerbread, 1 GHz processor, 5 MP camera with autofocus, face detection, flash, front camera, red eye reduction, smile detection, Bluetooth, PlayNow, TrackID, barcode scanners, Skype, 3D games, radio, memory 320 MB internal, up to 32 GB of external memory and battery power for up to 6 hours 42 minutes.

"Live Phone priced at Rp 2.1 million," said Rachmat.
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