Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nokia Maps burglarized, Can Street in Gadgets Other

Lumia devices like the Nokia 800 and other Nokia handsets have several advantages. One of the many recognized his greatness is the Nokia Maps application.

Should Nokia Maps and Nokia Other typical applications, such as the Nokia Music, it can only be accessed through your Nokia device. Thus, Nokia handsets have a differentiator compared to similar Windows Phone handsets from other manufacturers.

However, as reported by TheRegister, both applications had been burglarized by a third party. Consequently, the XAP file needed to install and run it leaked onto the internet. Worse yet, the offender could demonstrate typical applications running on top of Nokia's non-Nokia devices.

Of course, now ordinary users need more technical knowledge to be able to install and run the XAP file. One of the "opportunity" that open is the use of the service that is valued jailbreak ChevronWP7 9 U.S. dollars per year. That is not necessarily easy for ordinary users.

Is the breakdown of Nokia Maps and Nokia Music means to lose one of its superiority compared to other handset manufacturers Windows Phone?
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