Friday, November 4, 2011

Thanks to the sleek leather More Fruits

Did you know that the habit of consuming fruits and vegetables actually produce a dual advantage, both for the health of body and skin as well?

Researchers from the University of Bristol found that carotenoids or yellow and red antiokisan compounds play an important role to create a shiny skin. In a report published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior, they mentioned that people who have skin glowing (glowing) typically have high levels of carotenoids in the body.

Carotenoids can be found in fruits and vegetables such as peppers, spinach, mango, pumpkin, corn, apricots, tomatoes and melons.

"Dark-colored fruits, like tomatoes, carrots, or moleon contains powerful antioxidants such as carotenoids that can make skin look shiny and healthy. These antioxidants can also protect the skin from the dangers of sun exposure," says nutritionist Paula Simpson.

Lead author Stephen Dr.Ian say, people in Western countries usually perform activities of sunbathing to get a tan skin color. And by eating fruits rich in carotenoids, the result can be the same.

He explained, fruits and vegetables full of synergy of nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants that promote the production of new skin cells that are more healthy. "New skin cells are produced every five weeks and slows down with age. If we diligently eating the right nutrition, skin cells will be healthier," he said.

Stephen pointed out, the colors bright and healthy in the male bird feathers also come from the same carotenoid antioxidants contained in fruits.
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