Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WebcamMax Full

I am sure all bloggers have the know about the function of this application. In WebcamMax WebcamMax is now available a variety of effects that bloggers can use to beautify the look of your webcam. suitable for fun.


  1. For all webcam programs, ICQ, AIM, MSN, CamFrog, Skype, Paltalk, Yahoo Messenger etc.
  2. More than 1,000 effects at, including Mosaic, TV wall, Movie scene, Water, Smog, Emboss, Emotions and etc
  3. Floating text over video.
  4. Switching dynamically between multiple live and stored sources (videos, movies, pictures, or real time desktop).
  5. Effects DIY.
  6. Sharing single webcam by multiple programs at the same time.
  7. Becoming fashionable, sexy, cute, romantic or bewitched, or even horrible.
  8. Taking photos with whatever background you like and whenever you want.
UPDATE (02122010): Due to numerous requests for how to do the activation, so I share. Listen well well,,
  1. Install WebcamMax
  2. Close WebcamMax (not in the first run abis fitting installed)
  3. Disable your antivirus (n keygen patch is considered a virus)
  4. For ease, copy-paste and keygen patch file to the folder where you install WebcamMax
  5. Right-click the patch, then run as administrator.
  6. click patch.
  7. Run WebcamMax
  8. Right-click on the text deket WebcamMax TRIAL

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