Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Who Get The Eagles Vs Cowboys Game Ball?

There's several good candidates this week and one great one as we get to hand out a winning game ball for the second game in a row. First and most obvious is LeSean McCoy. He set a career high in yards and completely ran all over the best run defense in the NFL.

How about Howard Mudd? I was going to say Jason Peters, but I then I thought of some great blocks Todd Herremans made and Jason Kelce did a really good job on Jay Ratliff so I just figured we'd lump Mudd and the whole line all together. As good as McCoy was, he's not getting 185 yards without the outstanding performance of the offensive line.

Speaking of coaches, can Juan Castillo get some love? Everyone in town was calling for his head three weeks ago and his defense has responded with two great back to back performances. They were giving up 26 points per game over the first five games and given up only 20 total over the last two. There's no doubt Juan has a lot more to prove, but after the beating he took this year, it's only fair to give him some props for the defense over the last two games.

Michael Vick somewhat quietly had maybe his best game of the year. He was 20-28 for 279 yards and a pair of TDs. He was laser accurate and he gained another 50 yards on the ground. But perhaps the best part of his game Sunday night was his blitz recognition and his reactions to it. Two touchdowns came as a result of audibles Vick called at the line. Andy Reid talked about Vick's game this week.

"Well really, two of the touchdowns were plays that he either changed the play or got rid of one, where we had two of them called in the huddle and you could switch them over to the other. I thought he played a fine football game. I think you've got the numbers, as far as the quarterback rating goes, and so on, that show that, but the little things like you're talking about here, switching either protections or switching from play to play, I think he's becoming very comfortable."

And even more impressive, Andy says Vick probably couldn't have made those calls last year.

"He had more than that. There were a couple other runs that he made calls on too, and those he would have done last year. The two that I was talking about with the touchdown, probably not."bleedinggreennation.com
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