Meat including the types of foods that have negative and positive aspects. Meat contains protein and iron are essential for the body, but the high fat makes the meat as enemy number one for health. Therefore, limit your intake of meat in your daily menu at most once every week. Here are 3 good reasons to begin to reduce the meat now.
1. better
Meat, especially red meat is a major source of saturated fat. Research shows too much red meat consumption increases the risk of death from various causes, including heart disease and cancer. That is why reducing the frequency of red meat you consume and replace it with vegetables.
2. skimp
In addition to healthier, reducing the budget for the meat certainly make your wallet thick. However, meat consumption for pregnant women and children should not be reduced because pregnant women have needs 17 grams of protein which is equivalent to 1 serving of meat (35 g) and 1 serving of tempeh (50 g).
3. environmentally friendly
Livestock industry accounts for one fifth of all greenhouse gases and taking 30 percent of Earth's land that could be used. Reduce at least 0.5 grams of meat a week (family dinner portion) having an impact equivalent to swapping your standard sedan with a highly efficient hybrid cars.
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