Monday, November 7, 2011

Apple iPhone 4S Origin Design at random?

Apple accused of iPhone 4S design only perfunctory because it proved a lot of problems after use. In fact, Apple's iPhone failed to retain the title "Phone of the Year" in the event of direct election by the technology magazine Stuff Magazine in the UK. This honorary title was taken by Samsung Galaxy S II.

Former analyst and consultant technology vendors, such as Joe Wilcox told Betanews, explains, there are a lot of weirdness before Apple launched the iPhone generation mutakhirnya.

Indeed, during the initial appearance of the product, Apple won praise for his achievement make the wide touch screen phone. However, if viewed from the other side, the iPhone is even impressed 4S carelessly.

First, in addition to the problem feature, users would want a phone with long battery life. Special iPhone 4S is actually happening waste battery power, even up to 10 percent. In fact, the iPhone 4 with iOS5 was just down the performance of the batteries as much as 2 percent.

Second, the signal quality that many complain mainly by users in the United States, especially customer service AT & T. Many phone lines that died suddenly, although AT & T claims to have the capacity to improve the signal.

After the death of Steve Jobs, Apple should make the product very carefully so that the fanaticism of Apple products do not fade.
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