Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cause Death Apple accusations Adobe Flash to Mobile

Earlier this week, Adobe decided to no longer develop Flash on mobile devices. However, at that Adobe has not revealed what the underlying decision.

Today, Adobe finally spoke up through the blog belongs to Mike Chambers, product manager for Adobe Flash platform. In his blog, Chambers stated actually they (Adobe) want to continue to develop Flash but is hampered by the large fragmentation of the mobile phone market and the fact that one of the leading mobile platform (Apple IOS) will not allow the Flash Player on their devices browser.

So far, Flash is widely used for mobile devices based on Android. However, all devices made ​​by Apple, iPhone to iPad, does not support Flash and prefer HTML 5.

Mike Chamber statement indirectly pointed to Apple as a "prime suspect" halt the development of Flash on mobile devices.

When in fact at this time, all the vendors decided to support HTML5 instead of Flash. This makes the popularity of Flash for use in mobile devices has dropped dramatically.

When announcing the termination on mobile Flash development, Adobe also announced that in future they will focus on HTML5. In addition, Adobe will build the ecosystem for the development of Adobe AIR-based applications natively on all platforms.

Flash development for mobile devices by discontinued by Adobe, but not for Flash to PC. Adobe will continue the development of Flash for the PC, that the future is expected to present the content with high quality or high definition (HD) for desktop or laptop computer users.
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