Soon, the size of the SIM cards in mobile phones will become smaller. This is thanks to technology called nano-SIM announced by the German company, Giesecke & Devrient (G & D).
Nano-SIM has a size of about 12 x 9 mm (approximately half an inch) or only 30 percent of the size of the micro-SIM used in iPhone 4 and iPad. Nano-SIM is a SIM Card smallest for 20 years.
When compared to the current SIM Card, nano-SIM also 15 percent thinner. In terms of size, compared to SIM Card 'normal', nano-SIM 60 percent smaller.
With the size of a mini SIM card, mobile phone manufacturers can make the design to include other things into the phone. Starting from the memory, battery life up to the other additional features. G & D in 2012 hoping existing mobile phone that uses nano-SIM.
G & D has sent samples of nano-SIM to multiple telecom operators. Nano-SIM is expected to achieve standardization of European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in late 2011.
Apple is said to play a role in the development of nano-SIM. In fact, in May 2011, Apple has filed a plan to use the SIM Card that is smaller than now. Could nano-SIM used in the iPhone that will come?
G & D said, nano-SIM can be used in mobile phones available today with the help of adapters. SIM Card will be showcased in the exhibition Cartes & IDentification 2011, 15 November 2011 in Paris.
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