Sunday, November 13, 2011

Update IOS, iPhone Battery 4S increasingly wasteful?

IOS 5.0.1 update promises to fix the IOS operating system for the iPhone. Especially, the problem of battery on the iPhone 4S.

However, in the official forum Apple users (, emerging users who complained about the update. Some even say that the battery in the iPhone 4S problem is getting worse after an update.

Some of the thread title that was recorded TheRegister including:

Even the thread is titled 'safe', such as "IOS 5:01 fixes battery issues" also contains a comment that says that after updating the iPhone 4S battery is precisely the problem worse. Users who have not been updated are advised not to do so.

On the other hand, many users who say their problems are finished with the update. This sparked further confusion, whether actual IOS 5.0.1 update can fix the battery problem or not.

Apple's official statement on AllThingsD, Apple admitted that IOS 5.0.1 update does not fix the problem. "This latest software update fix the many problems experienced by some users of batteries in their IOS device 5. We are continuing to investigate some remaining issues," wrote the Apple.
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