Sunday, November 13, 2011

Erroneous assumption ASI Problem 6

Awareness of the importance of exclusive breastfeeding should continue to be implanted in every woman and expectant mothers. But unfortunately, there are still misconceptions in the community related to breastfeeding.

In fact, exclusive breastfeeding would provide a double advantage for both you and baby. So that no more myth wrong, here are a few things wrong that could trigger the failure of breastfeeding. These myths and false information needs to be clarified so that every baby gets the right to drink milk from her mother:

1. Without breastfeeding the child stay healthy

When viewed from the outside it looks healthy. But you know, that babies who are not breastfed are actually more vulnerable to exposure and allergic diseases such as eczema (skin inflammation), allergic rhinitis and asthma. Some studies show that babies are not breastfed have higher risk for diabetes and obesity later in life.

2. Breast milk is slightly smaller

Breast size is determined by fat tissue, which is not associated with milk production. Milk production depends on the size of mammary glands in the breast.

3. Sagging breasts make milk

Breastfeeding does not cause breasts to sag. Engorgement of the breast is mainly due to aging and gravity. In fact, breastfeeding can help you speed up the slimming process by burning fat stored during pregnancy. Exclusive breastfeeding also stimulate spending contraction and hormones that help restore the uterus to its original size.

4. Breastfeeding painful

Actually not. Although there are a number of mothers who may feel slightly swollen in the early stages, but this condition will not continue. If you still feel pain, this may be due to the baby's mouth does not suck the nipple and areola properly. Learn to help your baby to suckle in the right way.

5. ASI troublesome

Breastfeeding is actually easier for you. You do not need to bring the equipment, do not have to worry about milk supply, storage and supply of milk. Other advantages, breastfeeding can be done at any time, anywhere and not have to cost you.

6. Busy working

Breastfeeding even for a few weeks or months, will provide benefits to the baby. Work is not a reason for you to stop breastfeeding. Ask for assistance to the maid in the house to give milk that has been first milking. Immediately store the milk in the fridge to keep your baby safe to drink.
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