Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Not Effectively, Google Ready to Turn Seven Service

 Google stops and seven support services side project. Cessation reason because those features are not effective.

As written in the official Google blog, there are some services that stopped a total, combined with other services and there are still fixed.

Urs Hölzle, Senior Vice President of Operations of Google, said the termination of some services is not appropriate due to the original expectations. "These services are not integrated with other features so that services can not widespread," said Hölzle.

In addition, termination of service is also due to increased competition in mobile services and social services, such as from Apple Inc. and Facebook. Some shareholders were concerned with increasing the company's budget is the number one search engine.

This seven-Google services stopped.

    Google Bookmark List. This feature lets users get more personalized search results because it could mark and save the search results that are considered important. Service which was launched last March will be discontinued on December 19, 2011. Luckily, Google's just stop this feature using the English language, outside of it can still be used.
    Google Friend Connect. An online service that allows users to add content and social networking applications to their site. By adding this application to the site, site owners can facilitate the visitors log into your account, whether they use Google, Yahoo!, AIM, or OpenID. This service will be discontinued March 1, 2012 and will be merged with the features of Google +.
    Google Gears. Features to bring online an offline application was first released in May 2007. This feature will be discontinued December 1, 2011. Instead, Google will focus on developing similar capabilities in HTML5. For example, Gmail and Calendar which can be accessed online via the Chrome browser.
    Google Search Timeline. Search feature that lets users see the timeline of a particular search keyword. Users who still want the ability of this kind is called to see / trends or / insights / search /.
    Google Wave. Social features that function like a joint e-mail, instant messaging, and other development has been discontinued since 2010. On January 31, 2012, users can no longer make the new Wave and started 30 April 2012 will be discontinued completely. Instead, there is an open source Apache Wave and Walkaround.
    Knol. Services that should be going to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia rival has been launched since 2007. Instead, Google will cooperate with Solvitor and Crowd Favorite to make Annotum, based Wordpress. Knol is still accessible to 30 April 2012. Starting May 1 through October 1, 2012 will not be able to read, but it is still possible to download. After that, a full service will be discontinued.
    Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal (RE <C). Renewable energy project which is cheaper than coal, Google said, renewable energy development should be performed by other institutions are more qualified.

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