Monday, November 7, 2011

Make White Bread Passion Sex Sucks

For you fans of white bread, it could not hurt to reconsider your options. Although in terms of look and feel a little more tempting, but white bread is not the ideal choice seems particularly associated with sexual activity.

With nutirisi composition contained therein, most experts recommend that you do not eat too much white bread, or other foods that contain refined carbohydrates (refine carbohydrate).

Research shows that refined carbohydrates often have a glycemic index score (glycemic Index / GI) high. GI determine the speed of glucose released into the bloodstream after consumption. Various research also indicates a greater risk if you eat foods with its frequency of refined carbohydrates.

Helen Bond of the British Dietetic Association states, its frequency of eating white bread can make your blood sugar soaring so the influence of passion in lovemaking.

"Foods like white bread releasing blood sugar more quickly than whole wheat bread - and too much sugar associated with the decline of energy, which means you will not have the energy to have sex," he explained. Meanwhile, Peter Bowen-Simpkins gynecologist, who is also advisor to the institute Wellbeing of Women emphasized the link between blood sugar and increase in the hormone estrogen. According to sugar not only makes you fat, but will make up the hormone estrogen, which in turn can suppress testosterone in men.

"If you're overweight, you feel less attractive. The flow of blood to your sex organs-orag also be decreased," he added.

Although commonly known sebagau male sex hormone, women also need testosterone in order to keep the passion or libido.

From the nutritional standpoint, it loses quality white bread than whole wheat bread (whole wheat bread). Some of the benefits of bread made from whole wheat flour is the food contains fiber, antioxidants, phytoestrogens (good for preventing heart disease and cancer), vitamins and minerals that are far more than white bread. There is also a literature that mentions, there are at least 30 nutrients missing in white bread.
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