Choosing the right food is one important part of a healthy lifestyle. It is better you do not just choose or consume materials are highly nutritious food, but also more beneficial to health such as contain substances that can erode the bad fats.
Here are 10 foods that should be selected to meet the nutritional needs every day. Besides dense in nutrients, these foods have additional benefits because it can reduce levels of bad fats or cholesterol in your body.
1. Soybean
Reducing saturated fat is the best way to lower cholesterol levels. Replace meat and cheese with soy foods such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk. The content of isoflavones in soy may help lower LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), aka bad cholesterol.
Saturated fats are not good for the heart because the heart uses saturated fat to make cholesterol. So eat a diet rich in saturated fats can raise cholesterol levels, especially LDL. Consumption of at least 25 grams of soy protein every day to help lower cholesterol.
2. Nuts
Apart from rice bran, beans especially rich in soluble fiber, can help lower cholesterol. Eating one cup of all types of nuts per day, especially red beans or pinto beans, can lower cholesterol by 10 percent in six weeks.
To get the best health benefits, both the FDA and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) United States recommends the consumption of 25-30 grams of fiber each day. For nuts, the consumption of five or more servings per week.
3. Salmon
Salmon is the best source of protein because it is high in omega-3 fatty acids called EPA and DHA, which is good for the heart. In addition, the content of omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon and other cold water fish can lower bad cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides, and increase good cholesterol (HDL). To get the omega-3s, choose salmon, trout, herring, sardines, and mackerel. American Heart Association (AHA) recommends consumption of at least two servings of salmon a week.
4. Avocado
Avocados are a source of monounsaturated fats are good and can increase HDL. In addition, avocados also contain betasitosterol which can reduce the amount of cholesterol absorbed from food. The combination betasitosterol and monounsaturated fat makes the avocado is a good food to break down cholesterol.
Even so, the avocado has a slightly higher calorie. For that, do not add the avocado with a mixture of foods high in fat. American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 15 percent of daily calories derived from monounsaturated fats such as those contained in the avocado. This is tantamount to 30 grams of monounsaturated fat. As an illustration, an avocado contains 300 calories and 30 grams of fat.
5. Garlic
Research shows that garlic can lower cholesterol, prevent clotting and lowering blood pressure, and protects the body against infection. However, other studies have also shown that garlic can stop plaque in the arteries at an early stage. To get health benefits, consumption of 2-4 cloves of fresh garlic every day.
6. Spinach
Spinach contains lutein, a yellow pigment found in leaves of green vegetables and egg yolks. Lutein slow the occurrence of blindness in the parent. Consumption of foods rich in lutein and a half cups per day can prevent heart attacks.
7. Margarine
There are two types of margarine that can help lower cholesterol levels, namely the Take Control and Benecol. Unfortunately, margarine seems to have circulated widely in Indonesia.
Take Control margarine made from plant sterols that are proven to lower total cholesterol and LDL by 14 percent. So also with the work such as Benecol margarine Take Control, but there are side effects are caused both the margarine, which is to reduce the absorption of beta-carotene.
8. Walnuts, cashews, and almonds
A moderate-fat diet rich in monounsaturated fats in nuts, two times better for your heart than low-fat diet. Nuts also contain vitamin E, magnesium, copper, and fitokemikal related to heart health. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3.
Since nuts are high in calories, you should consume in moderation. Save the beans that have been cut in the refrigerator. Sprinkle two tablespoons on cereal, salads, or yogurt. Consumption of two tablespoons of chopped nuts five times or a small handful as a snack 3-4 times a week.
9. Tea
Tea has antioxidant content. Several studies have shown that tea maintain the flexibility of blood vessels and prevent blood clotting. Flavonoids, a major antioxidant in tea, proved able to prevent the oxidation of LDL can form plaques on artery walls. Antioxidants can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure. We recommend that consumption of one cup of tea every day.
10. Chocolate
To get the effect on heart health, choose black or brown that is not sweet. Compared with milk chocolate, dark chocolate contains three times as many flavonoids which are antioxidants. White chocolate contains no flavonoids.
Eating one ounce (28.3 grams) of chocolate every day will increase HDL cholesterol and prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol. Remember, do not be too many, if not gain weight. @ Diana Yunita Sari
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