Monday, November 7, 2011

9 Free Diet Prevent Heart Disease

Reading the labels of food products it is important to know the intake of saturated fats, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. You will know the amount of soluble fiber and vitamins that can prevent heart disease.

Here are some important tips from Janet Tietyen and Darlene Forester, food and nutrition experts from the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. By following these guidelines, at least you can reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

1. Fat contains twice as many calories of protein and carbohydrates. Dense source of calories is contributing to excess weight, which is a risk factor for heart disease and other health disorders.

2. Limit your total fat intake of 30 percent of your daily calories. For a 2,000 calorie diet, meaning no more than 67 grams of fat per day. Much fat from meat, dry food, some milk derived products, as well as additional material on the mayonnaise and salad dressings.

3. Saturated fat should be limited to no more than 10 percent of your calorie needs. People with a 2,000-calorie daily diet should not consume more than 22 grams of saturated fat. Less than that is better for heart health. Saturated fat will be solid at room temperature. Usually derived from animal foods and coconut oil.

4. Add a monounsaturated fat and doubles as part of the total fat intake. Bean, soybean, and olive oil is the best source of monounsaturated fats, while corn and sunflower oils for polyunsaturated fats. In addition, some types of fish contain omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat. Fish is rich in some types of fish such as salmon, sea trout, mackerel, and halibut. Add fish to your diet at least up to three times a week.

5. To increase the soluble fiber in your diet, consumption of nuts at least twice a week.

6. Enter the oat and rice bran as a large part of your diet. Can be served as a cereal or added to muffins or pancakes, and even cakes.

7. Consumption of vegetables and fruit, at least five servings per day, to meet the needs of soluble fiber and other nutrients to stay healthy heart.

8. Folic acid, vitamin B, may help prevent heart disease by protecting blood vessels from damage caused by homocysteine, a product formed from the metabolism of proteins in the body. Folic acid is a derivative of the foliage, is found in the leaves of green vegetables, nuts, and fruits which contain citrus like oranges. Folic acid is mostly obtained from grains, such as bread, flour, pasta, and cereals.

9. Research indicates vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene produces antioxidants that help prevent oxidation processes that contribute to heart disease. Vegetables and fruits are the main foods rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. Unsaturated vegetable oils and milk are usually rich in vitamin E.
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