Saturday, November 5, 2011

Need Body Essential Fatty Acids

Nutrients from the foods we asup can be used by the body if absorbed well by the cells. To enhance the absorption of nutrients, the body needs essential fatty acids.

"Essential fatty acids act to flex the cell membranes so that cells are able to absorb nutrients and makes spending the rest of the metabolism of cells," said dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono from the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine) in the seminar 'The Importance of Essential Fatty and Benefits for the Body 'in Jakarta (12/02/2011).

Essential fatty acids also makes cell membranes more good quality and not easily damaged. A balanced intake of essential fatty acids coupled with healthy eating patterns early on can prevent cardiovascular disease.

In infants and children, essential fatty acids required for the formation of cells, build up body tissue, and helps flex the cell membrane for the absorption of nutrients.

Essential fatty acids can be grouped into several types of which Omega 3, Omega 6, DHA (Dokosaheksaeoat Acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), ALA (Alfalinolenat Acid) and GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid). "Called essential because it can not be formed by the body so must we fill of food," said Fiastuti.

Intake of essential fatty acids can be obtained from some foods. Among other sources of omega 6 foods that are fried, while the omega 3 derived from grains, corn oil, deep-sea fish or omega-3 enriched margarine.

Fiastuti also emphasized, essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6 should be eaten in balance. "Both of these fatty acids must be balanced, in order to feel the benefits," he said.

For the use of margarine enriched in essential fatty acids, Fiastuti suggested that only to smear bread or sauteing with a temperature of not more than 200 degrees centigrade. Margarine can also be provided above the newly appointed food so that the fatty acid is not damaged.
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