Variety of Community Minangkabau cuisine made from coconut milk and a lot of meat to make their saturated fat intake is higher than other ethnic groups in Indonesia.
This was revealed by research conducted in 2007 Dr. Ratna Djuwita from the Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia. He conducted research on nutrient intake in the four tribes, namely the Minangkabau, Sundanese, Javanese, and Bugis.
"The average fat intake of Indonesia already meet the nutritional guidelines, but the quality is still bad because more saturated fat," he said in the seminar titled "The Importance of Essential Fatty and Benefits for the Body" in Jakarta, Saturday (12/02/2011).
A healthy ratio of fat intake, said Ratna, is one to one between saturated fatty acids (saturated fatty acids / SAFA), polyunsaturated fatty acids plural (polyunsaturated fatty acids / PUFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (monounsaturated fatty acids / MUFA) . In the right combination that is 1:1:1, the relative food intake would be more healthful.
"From a total of 30 percent fat should we consume every day, preferably SAFA no more than 10 percent and 20 percent unsaturated fat that consists of 60-10 per cent PUFA, and MUFA 10 percent," he said.
Excess SAFA will increase the variety of health risks induced by dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is a health disorders due to abnormalities in blood fats. In dyslipidemia, levels of bad fats such as LDL cholesterol and triglycerides increased. Instead of good fat content, ie HDL cholesterol, it has decreased.
"People Minang dislipidemianya level higher than the three other tribes," said Ratna.
From the research revealed, the intake of SAFA Minang people come from coconut milk, cooking oil, meat, eggs, and poultry. "The Javanese and Sundanese also like to eat coconut, but not as thick as Minang cuisine. In addition, the pattern of Javanese and Sundanese food lots of vegetables, tofu, and tempeh," said professor of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of medicine is.
The results are similar to RISKESDAS Ratna in 2007 who found the ratio of intake of saturated and unsaturated fat people of Indonesia have not been balanced. "The ratio is still less than 1, most still SAFA," he added.
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