Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sometimes, Frozen Food Need

Those who mengedapankan natural lifestyle as much as possible to avoid frozen foods because they are less good. Freeze the food is considered as one element of preservation so that the method is the same as other types of food preservation.

In fact, the manufacture of frozen food technology actually only slow the rate of deterioration of materials with storage temperature settings. The lower the storage temperature of food, the longer the lifetime of the network.

In fact, according to nutritionist Samantha Heller bergizinya frozen food can be just as fresh food.

"Vegetables or food that is immediately frozen once harvested nutritional content is not lost even be higher because there are vegetables or fruits that pass through the long journey before it is marketed," says the author of Get Smart: Samantha Heller's Nutrition Prescription for Boosting Brain Power and Optimizing Total Body Health this.

Indeed, frozen foods will experience shrinkage of nutrition. Yet this can be prevented by maintaining storage temperatures as low as possible. That's why when purchasing frozen foods in the supermarket, keep the food was not to melt before reaching home.

Choose frozen foods are also still in good condition. If possible, choose frozen food products derived from local products so that the freshness of the product is more secure than imported food that has been through a long process chain.
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