Saturday, November 5, 2011

Recognize Hidden Salt in Foods

Health of your heart may start from the food diasup. Salt contained in food consumption should be limited. But you also need to know that salt is not just found in food that tastes salty.

To be aware of the salt is actually not a salty taste, but the content of sodium or sodium. Salt in the sense that we know consists of daily and the remaining 40 per cent sodium chloride ions. So that the body is always healthy, restricted sodium intake 2300 mg, or about 6 grams of salt (one teaspoon).

According to Susanto Fendy of Nutrifood Research Center, sodium or sodium is not just found on the salt but also of other processed foods, including chili sauce and soy sauce.

Here is the amount of sodium contained in the daily diet.

- A packet of potato chips 270 mg

- Large size fries 350 mg

- A plate of chicken noodle 558 mg

- One piece of sausage 750 mg

- Chicken breast fried flour 1080 mg

- A plate of noodles meatballs 1518 mg

- Mi instant between 1100 mg - 2400 mg

- Beef burger 551 mg

- 757 mg a piece of salted fish

- 979 mg portion of oxtail soup

- 1 tablespoon tomato sauce 167 mg

- A piece of fried ampela 490 mg

- A piece of donut 269 mg

- 1 tablespoon chili sauce 255 mg

- 1 tablespoon soy sauce 698 mg

- 1 tablespoon soy sauce 914 mg

To protect us from the risk of hypertension, eat vegetables and fruit because it is rich in potassium and potassium can lower blood pressure.

"Get used also to read food labels. Already, there are products or foods low in sodium without added salt (unslated)," said Fendy.

Foods that are classified as having low sodium content of less than 140 mg sodium. Meanwhile, if the packaging is written in very low sodium, salt content is usually less than 35 mg. Foods that contain less sodium, 25 percent less sodium than regular products and foods that are free of salt (salt free) still contains less than 5 mg sodium.
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