Saturday, November 5, 2011

Energy booster Food and Mood

Scientists have been studying the connection between what we eat and what we feel. The study brings evidence that changing diet will affect the metabolism and chemical signals in the brain that affect mood and energy level.

Food can bring energy in three ways, providing adequate calories, by producing stimulants such as caffeine, as well as encourage the metabolism to burn more energy efficient. Meanwhile, for mood, choose foods that can stabilize blood sugar and trigger serotonin in the brain.

So here's a list of some foods that fall into the criteria of energy enhancer.

Carbohydrates may be an enemy for dieters, but the food is very important to boost energy and mood. The key is to avoid the kind of sweet because it causes the blood sugar falls too easy to ride and so cause us to be tired and a bit moody. Choose complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, cereals, and whole wheat bread.

Almonds and hazelnuts bean type is not just full of protein but also contains magnesium, a mineral that plays an important role convert sugar into energy. Research shows magnesium deficiency can cause us fatigue.

Lean meat

Raw meat or poultry without fat is a healthy source of protein. Meat also contains fatty acids that can trigger tyrosine and neropinephrine levels of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that helps us stay alert and focused. Meat also contains vitamin B12 which can fight insomnia and depression.

Deep-sea fish

Marine fish rich in omega-3s, like salmon or mackerel proved to help us fight depression. Another benefit is heart healthy. For those who are not fond of fish, get the omega-3 sources such as nuts, green leafy vegetables or supplements.


Other nutrients that can drive depression is folate. Like the omega-3, folic acid can also be found from green leafy vegetables, like spinach. Nuts and citrus fruits are also rich in folate.


Effective fiber to stabilize energy. Foods rich in fiber are digested slowly so that energy supply will be available much longer. Increase your fiber intake by eating nuts, fruits, vegetables, breads or cereals containing Cereal intact.

Water Dehydration and fatigue like two best friends. Research shows mild dehydration will slow metabolism scale and reduce energy. The solution is simple, the consumption of enough water or other unsweetened drinks every day.


Caffeine is the most important element in coffee that serves as a stimulant. Caffeine can affect the central nervous system and kidneys. Effects on the central nervous system is to prevent drowsiness, increase sensory perception, speed of mind, as well as reducing the weak sense. Caffeine can also be obtained from tea, cola and dark chocolate.
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