Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fresh Meat picky

In the market, we easily find the meat is sold in a form ready for use as meat for the steak special, and in pieces for soup or rawon, as well as ground beef. Here are some suggestions to help you choose a good meat.

- As a rule, select the meat as needed. If you want to cook rawon, select lamusir meat containing little fat. For steak or stir-fry, choose the meat has, the faster soft.

- The important select fresh meat. Signs bright red fresh meat, fresh flavorful, and chewy when pressed.

- Do not choose meat that is blue because it marks the meat is "withered".

- Do not choose meat that is too much liquid is collected in a container. That's a sign of freshness of meat is reduced.

- Wash the meat in the form intact to prevent water or juice does not dissolve with water and cause the meat was tasty anymore.

- If buying dagiing cut or chopped, choose a cleaner that does not need to wash them again. The washing process will dissolve the rest. (GHS / est)
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