Saturday, November 5, 2011

Come on, Diligent Eating Salad

Salad is the food most easily made and most of its variations. Both in terms of texture, color, and flavor. In addition, there can be unpleasant sensation we feel when eating it. Cold, crisp, and fresh!

Another bonus, eating a salad every day will also give us four health benefits, such as:

1. Provide fiber intake.

Eating foods high in fiber will help lower cholesterol and prevent constipation or indigestion. Barbara Rolls, PhD, author of The volumetrics Eating Plan, add eating more fiber will help us feel more full so that we be eating less. And that means very good for weight loss programs.

2. Dredge the healthy benefits of fruits and vegetables.

Many experts agree that if we need to add daily servings of fruits and vegetables we are. David Joacobs, PhD, professor of Public Health at the University of Minnesota stated a lot of evidence that fruits and vegetables have a high content of nutrients that can contribute a large part in maintaining overall health.

If we are lovers of salad greens, we will obtain a high intake of antioxidants, like vitamins C, E, folic acid, lycopene, and beta carotene, especially if raw. Antioxidants are substances that help protect our body from damage caused by exposure to free radicals. Studies from the National Cancer Institute found that if our diet rich in fruits and vegetables, it will reduce our risk of cancer in the head and neck.

3. Cut calories and increase satisfaction.

If our goal is to lose weight, start eating rituals by eating 'green salad'. One study showed that by eating low-calorie menu, such as vegetable salad with 150 calories or less, to increase satisfaction or satiety and cut the total number of calories that should be consumed during the meal. His motto 'bigger is better', but is meant by this motto is the volume of salad instead of the number of calories. So, add the vegetables and reduce the number of dressings and knick-knacks that other fatty.

4. Getting a good fat intake.

Eating less fat well, such as monosaturated fats are in olive oil, avocado or nuts, along with the vegetables will help your body absorb phytochemicals that may protect the body better, such as lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark green sayutan.

A recent study from Ohio State University to measure how well the phytochemicals are absorbed by the body when people eat a salad of lettuce, carrots, and spinach, together or not with 2 ½ tsp avocado. The result, avocado eaters absorbed alpha-carotene and 8 times more beta carotene 13 times more, than those who eat a salad without avocado. And both nutrients are believed to help us protected from the causes of cancer and heart disease. (Astrid Anastasia)
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