Saturday, November 5, 2011

High-Caffeine Drinks Disturb Intelligence

Moderate amounts of caffeine can indeed improve concentration, making us more alert and able melawati difficult challenges. However, these benefits continue to decrease with the large number diasup caffeine.

Energy drinks, which usually contain high concentrations of caffeine you drink in excess will make the body become drowsy as the effects of alcoholic beverages.

In one study, students are given a low dose of caffeinated beverages (equivalent to half a can of energy drink), has a high response on test results that require rapid response in a computer screen.

But when the dose of caffeine-enhanced, they actually respond slowly. Participants in the study also said that mentally feel over-stimulation and sleepy after drinking.

"Not a few energy drinks that also contain alcohol. Therefore, if consumed in excessive detrimental effect could reduce cognitive function and alertness," said Cecile A. Marczinski, researchers from Northern Kentucky University.

Research carried out on 80 students aged 18-40 years. To determine the effects of caffeine, the participants were given energy drinks and the rest were given non-caffeine drinks.

Excessive consumption of these drinks can also cause the heart to beat very fast due to caffeine intake in excess of recommended amounts.
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