Friday, November 4, 2011

Source of Vitamin C Not Just Orange

Fruit that tastes like sour orange is synonymous as a fruit rich in vitamin C. In fact, there are other fruit vitamin content is not less with orange or lemon.

Kiwi fruit contains 70 milligrams of vitamin C, much higher than the content of vitamin C in oranges. By eating a kiwi fruit every day, your daily requirement of vitamin C had almost fulfilled because experts recommend intake of vitamin C 75 mg for adult women.

Another bonus, kiwi contains 20 percent more potassium than bananas and are included in a bit of fruit and vegetables that contain vitamin E.

Popular benefits of vitamin C is to increase endurance. Research has also linked vitamin C with eye health, reduce risk of cancer and heart health. Adequate intake also helps the formation of collagen and serves as an antioxidant. Vitamin C is also sufficient to disguise wrinkles.

Another source of vitamin C are green leafy vegetables and spices like pepper dishes.
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