Friday, November 4, 2011

Red Beans, Nuts Winner

Nuts are healthy that tastes good intake. But among the various types of beans, kidney beans, including the winner because it is rich in nutrients that are essential for the body.

Red beans also full of antioxidants and protein, folate, minerals and fiber. Red beans also contain resistant starch digestibility (resistant starch), a component of food that is now in the spotlight.

Resistant starch digestibility has proven benefits for health, such as increasing the body's ability to burn fat, make the stomach full longer, controlling blood sugar, even reduce the risk of cancer.

Research also shows that vitamin B1 is in the red beans can enhance the ability of the brain and prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Enter the red beans in your menu list. Delicious taste is perfect eaten directly or used as soup. Do not want to bother to boil? In canned red beans could be an alternative.
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