Friday, November 4, 2011

This is your Brain Shrinking

Research experts in the U.S. managed to uncover the causes of human brain size could shrink. As reported in the journal Neurology, one culprit in brain shrinkage is a chronic deficiency of vitamin B12.

According to experts at Rush University Medical Center, a chronic deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause memory loss and reduced brain mass in adults.

Research has shown that those aged 65 years or older and have a shortage of vitamin B12 scored lower on memory tests. They also have a smaller brain size than those without vitamin deficiency.

Why can this happen? Christy C. Tangney, PhD, associate professor of Rush University Medical Center, explains, B12 deficiency can cause the loss of protection demyelinasi or brain nerve cells that result in injuries and a decrease in brain mass. Depreciation is also trigger the loss of synapses and neurons is an early sign of Alzheimer's disease.

To prevent brain shrinkage, you should be aware of the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency such as memory loss, numbness in the fingers and thumb, and a worsening balance. You also need to ensure adequate intake of vitamin B12 in your diet everyday.

According to the recommendation of the Food and Nutrition Board's Dietary, you need at least 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 per day or roughly equivalent to the consumption of three ounces of sirloin meat. Other foods that are rich in vitamin B12 including the liver, fish, shellfish, poultry, eggs, milk, and bran.
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