Saturday, November 5, 2011

What's Eating Before Exercising?

There are people who can work out the way in the morning without eating first, but there is also a need to eat first. Indeed, the body needs fuel to get a good stamina. However, if the "wrong kind" before exercise, foods can make nausea or abdominal bloating.

What is the best food to the stomach remain comfortable path taken in the morning? Here are some tips from walking clubs in the United States, the American Volkssport Association.

- For an unusual breakfast can drink fruit juice to get fewer calories, since overnight fasting stomach out.

- For the usual breakfast food fatty, fibrous, and protein, wait up to 3-4 hours for digestion of food processing. Once it is okay to exercise. Or save it for the food eaten after exercise. Instead, choose a light breakfast, such as bread and fruit.

- While the menu is light or low-fat breakfast, do the 1-3 hours before exercise. You will benefit from the calories without experiencing stomach upsets.

- If only choosing carbohydrate snacks such as bananas, fruit juice, low fat yogurt, snacks can be eaten 30-90 minutes before exercise. (GHS / rin)
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